The reliability of glasses' RGB Camera has been fully tested on the following Android phones:
Glasses' RGB camera can also work on Android phones besides the above. However, the compatibility is not guaranteed. For the full list, please refer to Device Compatibility .
Copy public RawImage CaptureImage;
private void Start ()
RGBCamTexture = new NRRGBCamTexture ();
CaptureImage . texture = RGBCamTexture .GetTexture();
RGBCamTexture .Play();
Copy // A video Capture Example
public class VideoCapture2LocalExample : MonoBehaviour
/// < summary > The previewer. </ summary >
public NRPreviewer Previewer;
public VideoRecordConfigPanel m_ConfigPanel;
/// < summary > Save the video to Application.persistentDataPath. </ summary >
/// < value > The full pathname of the video save file. </ value >
public string VideoSavePath
string timeStamp = Time . time .ToString().Replace( "." , "" ).Replace( ":" , "" );
string filename = string .Format( "Nreal_Record_{0}.mp4" , timeStamp);
return Path .Combine( Application . persistentDataPath , filename);
/// < summary > The video capture. </ summary >
NRVideoCapture m_VideoCapture = null ;
/// < summary > Starts this object. </ summary >
void Start ()
/// < summary > Tests create video capture. </ summary >
void CreateVideoCaptureTest ()
NRVideoCapture .CreateAsync( false , delegate ( NRVideoCapture videoCapture)
NRDebugger .Info( "Created VideoCapture Instance!" );
if (videoCapture != null )
m_VideoCapture = videoCapture;
NRDebugger .Error( "Failed to create VideoCapture Instance!" );
/// < summary > Starts video capture. </ summary >
public void StartVideoCapture ()
if (m_VideoCapture != null )
CameraParameters cameraParameters = new CameraParameters ();
if (m_ConfigPanel == null )
Resolution cameraResolution = NRVideoCapture . SupportedResolutions .OrderByDescending((res) => res . width * res . height ).First();
cameraParameters . hologramOpacity = 0.0f ;
cameraParameters . frameRate = cameraResolution . refreshRate ;
cameraParameters . cameraResolutionWidth = cameraResolution . width ;
cameraParameters . cameraResolutionHeight = cameraResolution . height ;
cameraParameters . pixelFormat = CapturePixelFormat . BGRA32 ;
// Set the blend mode.
cameraParameters . blendMode = BlendMode . Blend ;
// Set audio state, audio record needs the permission of "android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO",
// Add it to your "AndroidManifest.xml" file in "Assets/Plugin".
cameraParameters . audioState = NRVideoCapture . AudioState . MicAudio ;
cameraParameters = m_ConfigPanel .GetRecordConfigration();
m_VideoCapture .StartVideoModeAsync(cameraParameters , OnStartedVideoCaptureMode);
/// < summary > Stops video capture. </ summary >
public void StopVideoCapture ()
if (m_VideoCapture == null )
return ;
NRDebugger .Info( "Stop Video Capture!" );
m_VideoCapture .StopRecordingAsync(OnStoppedRecordingVideo);
Previewer .SetData( m_VideoCapture . PreviewTexture , false );
/// < summary > Executes the 'started video capture mode' action. </ summary >
/// < param name = "result" > The result.</ param >
void OnStartedVideoCaptureMode ( NRVideoCapture . VideoCaptureResult result)
if ( ! result . success )
NRDebugger .Info( "Started Video Capture Mode faild!" );
return ;
NRDebugger .Info( "Started Video Capture Mode!" );
m_VideoCapture .StartRecordingAsync(VideoSavePath , OnStartedRecordingVideo);
// Set preview texture.
Previewer .SetData( m_VideoCapture . PreviewTexture , true );
/// < summary > Executes the 'started recording video' action. </ summary >
/// < param name = "result" > The result.</ param >
void OnStartedRecordingVideo ( NRVideoCapture . VideoCaptureResult result)
if ( ! result . success )
NRDebugger .Info( "Started Recording Video Faild!" );
return ;
NRDebugger .Info( "Started Recording Video!" );
if (m_ConfigPanel != null && m_ConfigPanel . UseGreenBackground )
// Set green background color.
m_VideoCapture .GetContext().GetBehaviour().SetBackGroundColor( Color . green );
/// < summary > Executes the 'stopped recording video' action. </ summary >
/// < param name = "result" > The result.</ param >
void OnStoppedRecordingVideo ( NRVideoCapture . VideoCaptureResult result)
if ( ! result . success )
NRDebugger .Info( "Stopped Recording Video Faild!" );
return ;
NRDebugger .Info( "Stopped Recording Video!" );
m_VideoCapture .StopVideoModeAsync(OnStoppedVideoCaptureMode);
/// < summary > Executes the 'stopped video capture mode' action. </ summary >
/// < param name = "result" > The result.</ param >
void OnStoppedVideoCaptureMode ( NRVideoCapture . VideoCaptureResult result)
NRDebugger .Info( "Stopped Video Capture Mode!" );
Build and Run the Sample App